Q: Who is the Ohio State Jural Assembly?
A: The Ohio State Jural Assembly (OSJA) is a group of men and women who:
∙ Who are at least 16 years old,
∙ Understand that as “We the People” we are the 4th branch of our state and federal governments as describe in our founding documents.
∙ Monitors Ohio State public servants to ensure these public servants uphold and their Constitutional Oaths of Office.
Q: What is the OSJA mission?
A: “WE, ONE PEOPLE, claiming our God-given Rights based in Constitutional Principles, intend to return and maintain the governance of Ohio, a Free and Independent nation-state to the status proclaimed by the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, and the Original Organic Constitution dated 1787 and amended 1791
Q: Where do you meet?
A: Currently, our state members meet once a week via Zoom calls.
Q: How does the OSJA achieve its mission?
A: The steps to working on our mission include:
∙ Increase membership
∙ Vote in Officer
∙ Create and build County "Committees of Safety"
∙ Become aware of the activities of our public servants and watch for potential violations against our unalienable rights and the Constitution.
∙ Learn to write affidavits to begin the process to hold public servants accountable for any violations against the Constitution and our unalienable rights.
Q: Where do I find the membership documents?
A: You can find them at your county "Committee of Safety" meeting if one has been started in your county or email us for them. Then print and sign the documents. Then mail them to the address listed in the directions.
Q: Why print and sign in purple or Blue?
A: Purple represents nobility and sovereignty. By signing in purple we are establishing our sovereignty. You can also sign in blue representing you are a living man or woman.
You DO NOT want to sign in black ink as it means you are dead.
Q: What do each of the documents mean?
A: Each document you sign to become a member has a purpose:
Declaration of Unalienable Rights declares that we recognize our unalienable rights. These are rights that cannot be taken away by as human beings being born on the land. These rights cannot be taken away by any person, entity, or corporation.
∙ Declaration of Independence Cir. 2020: This document is based on the organic Declaration of Independence. This document signifies that you are claiming your independence and your unalienable rights.
∙ You are not removing your citizenship from the corporate government.
∙ Jural Covenant Document, is a document that may come into use, if the assembly needs to form a Common Law Grand Jury.
A Common Law Grand Jury serves the "Lawful Assembly" aka "Committee of Safety" and is under the 7th Amendment in the Bill of Rights which is our right and duty to have this available for the people. This allows us to also utilize an Article 3 Court which we should also have as stated in the Constitution of 1787. This Jury will serve in a common law manner to honor and uphold lawful intent. This document states that if you serve on a Common Law Grand Jury, you will do so with integrity and honor. Serving on a Common Law Grand Jury is entirely voluntary.
∙ After you have signed the documents they will be kept by your county moderator. If your county does not yet have a "Committee of Safety", then OSJA (The Ohio State Jural Assembly) assembly moderator will keep theme in a safe and secure place until your county has started up a "Committee of Safety" (Lawful Assembly).
Q: Is there any risk to signing these documents?
A: Signing these papers are used to prove our intent that we are not trying to overthrow our government. Instead our goals are to hold the government accountable to upholding the Constitution and not violating our unalienable rights. WE are at more risk, if we do nothing.
Q: How were these documents developed?
A: The documents were developed and written by the Michigan state Assembly, which has been in lawful operation for several years. Ohio modified Michigan’s documents to fit Ohio. To see the original documents go to https://www.national-assembly.net/ and click on “Handbook” and then click on Appendices B, C, & D to see the original documents.
Q: Can I still join the Ohio State Jural Assembly if I do not sign the documents?
A: To become a member of the Assembly you must be up to date on membership documentation. If you do not wish to sign the documents you are still welcome to join any of our public educational calls or public platforms.
Q: Is there a time limit in which I must sign the documents?
A: Take as much time as you need to read, understand, and feel comfortable with the documents.
Q: Where do I send the documents?
A: Please print and mail to the address on the instruction document. We will make a copy to keep for ourselves and return the originals to you. We would like your contact information for emails and mailing your documents back, so on a separate piece of paper, please include all contact information.
Q: How do I start a "Committee of Safety" in my county?
A: Contact us at: rossmarley@protonmail.com and we will be happy to assist you!