Affidavit Templates
KEEP IN MIND - You change all text in red. Opening and closing paragraphs remain the same! Read carefully and change any of the numbered statements you aren't comfortable with. This is your sworn Affidavit
To: Name of Recipient, Acting as School Board for
I, name and address, the undersigned, make this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth of my own free will, and I hereby affirm, declare and swear, under my oath and under the pains and penalties of perjury under the laws of the United States of America and of this state, that I am of legal age and of sound mind and hereby attest that the statements, averments and information contained in this Affidavit/Declaration are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
This Affidavit/Declaration of Truth is lawful notification to you, and is hereby made and sent to you pursuant to the national Constitution, specifically, the Bill of Rights, in particular, Amendments I, IV, V, VI, VII, IX and X, and The Bill of Rights of the Ohio Constitution NOTE CHANGE FOR YOUR STATE, in particular;
Article I - Bill of Rights, section 1, 2, 11, 20 and 21(A) where it states:
Section 1: Inalienable rights. All men are, by nature, free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety.
Section 2: Right to alter, reform, or abolish government, and repeal special privileges. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the right to alter, reform, or abolish the same, whenever they may deem it necessary; and no special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted, that may not be altered, revoked, or repealed by the General Assembly.
Section 6: Slavery and involuntary servitude. There shall be no slavery in this State; nor involuntary servitude, unless for the punishment of crime.
Section 11: Freedom of speech; of the press; of libels. Every citizen may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of the right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech, or of the press.
Section 20: Powers reserved to the people. This enumeration of rights shall not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people; and all powers, not herein delegated, remain with the people.
Section 21 (A): Preservation of the freedom to choose health care and health care coverage. No federal, state, or local law or rule shall compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer, or health care provider to participate in a health care system.
Also including, but not limited to, Article II - Legislative Powers, section 1 where it states:
Section 1: In whom power vested. The legislative power of the state shall be vested in a General Assembly consisting of a Senate and House of Representatives but the people reserve to themselves the power to propose to the General Assembly laws and amendments to the constitution, and to adopt or reject the same at the polls on a referendum vote as hereinafter provided.
and requires your written rebuttal to me, in kind, specific to each and every point of the subject matter stated herein, within 14 days (CHOOSE TIME FRAME), via your own sworn and notarized affidavit, using true fact, valid law and evidence to support your rebuttal of the specific subject matter stated in this Affidavit/Declaration. You are hereby noticed that your failure to respond, as stipulated, and rebut, with particularity and specificity, anything with which you disagree in this Affidavit/Declaration, is your lawful, legal and binding tacit agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this Affidavit/Declaration is true, correct, legal, lawful, and fully binding upon you in any court in America, without your protest or objection and that of those who represent you. U.S. v. Tweel, 550 F. 2d. 297. “Silence can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak or where an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading.”
∙ Any act committed by you, fill in name of recipient either supports and upholds the Constitutions, national and state, or opposes and violates them.
∙ You have taken an oath to support and uphold the national and state Constitutions and are constitutionally mandated to abide by that oath in the performance of your official duties.
∙ You have no constitutional authority, or any other form of valid, lawful authority, to oppose and violate the very documents to which you swore or affirmed your oath and under which you were delegated by the people the limited authority to conduct the duties of your office.
∙ The above three positions are true, factual, lawful and constitutionally ordained.
However, despite the above-stated factual, lawful positions, your unconstitutional actions, as described throughout this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth, clearly demonstrate how you have violated all of the above lawful positions, the Constitutions, your oath of office, acted against the public good by violating the public trust and committing sedition and insurrection. Pursuant to your unlawful and unconstitutional actions, you have invoked the self-executing Sections 3 & 4 of the 14th Amendment to the national Constitution, thereby have lawfully vacated your office and forfeited all benefits thereof, including salary and pension. Please note that, as stated above and below, the following paragraphs and others throughout this Affidavit/Declaration describe some of your unlawful, unconstitutional actions, which have harmed me and others. Your actions have upheld unconstitutional orders and policies which have harmed me, yet your actions have not upheld positions that would benefit me and the people of Ohio.
Notice to agent is notice to principal. Anyone acting outside of their duties and authority, whom has no oath of office is acting under their superior or entity, whom, does hold an oath of office which is so directing such agency, department or anyone in a public or private capacity. Otherwise, acting with such authority would be a violation of 18 USC 242, Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law. Anyone conspiring against our rights is in violation of the following, but not limited to, 18 USC 241 Conspiracy Against Rights and can be held accountable in their personal and private capacity.
1. During March and April, 2020 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and then Director of Health, Amy Acton, embarked on their covid operation. That operation includes without limitation, a course of conduct that follows World Health Organization rhetoric. Both parties had reason to know their conduct in implementing the covid operation would disrupt, and indeed has disrupted the economy and contract rights of the private men, women, girls, and boys of Ohio. This covid program does in fact arouse public fear.
2. Governor DeWine began issuing so-called executive orders implementing the covid operation in March, 2020. The one referred to as EO 2020-01D was followed by many other executive order´s throughout 2020 purporting to require compliance with non-consensual medical procedures by ordering mask wearing. No medical procedure may be lawfully imposed on a non-consenting man or woman. Nor may any such measures legally be imposed by non-medically licensed people without “informed consent” because to do so would violate corporate bylaw known as Ohio Rev. Code Sec. 2317.54, among others.
3. Governor DeWine has chosen to ignore the limitations even of his corporate authority to force unwanted medical treatment on the people. Other agents of STATE OF OHIO have admitted that "[t]he right to refuse medical treatment" is "inherent in every individual," and that Article I, Section 1 of the Ohio Constitution ensures that every Ohioan has the right to "personal security, bodily integrity, and autonomy"; Steele v. Hamilton Cty. Cnty. Mental Health Bd,, 90 Ohio St.3d 176, 736 N.E.2d 10 (Ohio 2000).
4. Section 201 (h) of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act defines a mask, such as the ones people are wearing today, when intended for one’s health, AS A MEDICAL DEVICE. Even just recommending that someone wear a mask is the unlicensed practice of medicine. You are violating Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 4731.41 and 4731.34, which carries the penalty of felony of the 5th degree.
5. “Just as we have done in the business sector with employees, we are requiring school staff to wear face coverings to reduce the spread of the virus, unless it is unsafe or when doing so could significantly interfere with the learning process. When face coverings aren’t practical, face shields may be considered,” DeWine said. “We strongly recommend that students in 3rd grade and up wear face coverings as well.” Quote from Washington Examiner, July 5, 2020 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/ohio-governor-announces-guidelines-for-schools-to-reopen/
6. March 2021 State Board of Education of Ohio adopts resolution to adopt Ohio administrative code 3301-32-06.1 pandemic requirements for a licensed schoolchild program and 3301-37-03.1 pandemic requirements for a licensed child day-care program requiring symptom checks and face coverings, handwashing and reporting.
7. Governor DeWine is not medically trained to practice medicine non-consensually against the people of Ohio and to interfere with the people´s statutorily acknowledged and God given rights as sovereigns to privacy in matters pertaining to their health.
8. Masking has been known for many years to be harmful to human health. The risk of such harm has been serious enough that agents of government corporations administering the Occupational Safety Health Act [OSHA] regularly enforce such regulations as those set out at 29 CFR Sec.1910.134 to limit workplace masking for health reasons. Such regulations have required the people be medically checked beforehand to determine whether they could even tolerate the mask at all. OSHA requires that the mask wearer has access at all times to air that is 19.5% Oxygen. Masks usually become contaminated within that time period with mildew and other substances harmful to living beings.
9. The wearing of masks is harmful to all human beings because the practice reduces available oxygen to the wearer and increases the wearer´s exposure to highly elevated levels of carbon dioxide and the wearer´s own exhaled waste products. Risk to human health rises with the increased length of time wearing the mask. Klompas, C.Morris et al ‘Universal Masking in hospitals in the covid-19 era’ –New England Journal of Medicine 2020.
10. Forcing healthy people to act sick or purposely making people sick is actually a mental illness called “Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.” Forcefully masking, testing, separating, and quarantining healthy people is not only damaging to their physical and psychological health, it is also a HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION AND A CRIME. Those who hold public offices have no lawful authority to perpetrate such violations and crimes upon the people they are supposed to serve.
11. Article 1, Sec.18 of the Ohio Constitution of 1851 provides: “No power of suspending laws shall ever be exercised, except by the General Assembly.” Article III, Sec. 8 provides: “The governor on extraordinary occasions may convene the General Assembly by proclamation and shall state in the proclamation the purpose for which such special session is called, and no other business shall be transacted at such special session except that named in the proclamation or message to the General Assembly issued by the governor during said special session.” DeWine´s “Executive Orders” fail to follow Constitutional directives to defer to the legislature. By so doing, all of DeWine´s “Executive Orders” are in derogation even of corporate authority and are therefore ultra vires. Mask wearing and requiring immunizations are direct violations of our National Constitution, Ohio Constitution, unalienable rights, and Bill of Rights, among others.
12. Governor DeWine issued EO 2020-01D on 3/9/2020 and EO 2020-33D on 8/8/2020 while the House side of the Ohio General Assembly was in session on both occasions. Governor DeWine made no effort to allow the legislature to have any input as to the effective suspension of Ohio Rev. Code Sec. 2317.54 by DeWine´s Executive order´s.
13. No state or federal Constitution may violate any of our rights no matter what law, rule, code, mandate, policy or ordinance is enacted. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution states "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution, OR LAWS OF ANY STATE to the contrary nothwithstanding." In addition, there are many cases including but not limited to, such as Marbury v. Madison 5 US 137 has been upheld in the courts for over 200 years and never overturned. It states: "All laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void". Another case never overturned, Miranda v. Arizona, 384 US 436, 491 states: "Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them."
14. Any official who willingly contributes to the act of creating, presenting, or enforcing statutes that appear as law that violate the Natural and fundamental rights of the people is guilty of waging war against the people and is in violation of their Constitutional oath. In addition, the name person/school board would be in violation of 16 Jurisprudence 177 Section 2, that explains any statute presenting as law that violates our fundamental rights is in fact a "no law" from the moment it is written: no one can enforce it, and no one has to abide by it.
15. On April 6, 2021, Judge Ronald Forsthoefel of the Ashland County Court of Common Pleas ruled against a statewide mask mandate siting “R.C. 3701.13 grants no authority to the Director of the Ohio Department of Health to issue or enforce mandatory mask orders since there is no stated or implied authority in R.C. 3701.13 which authorizes any action to prevent the spread of contagious or infections disease.”
16. “The Court’s Order is further evidence that no statute permits Ohio agencies to overregulate all Ohioans over an extended period of time, and that if one did, it would violate the Ohio Constitution’s separation of powers,” explained 1851 Center Executive Director Maurice Thompson. “The decision provides a roadmap for elected officials in other counties, who ultimately maintain the power to protect their citizens from the State’s arbitrary and continuous administrative overreach, since virtually all enforcement of these orders is undertaken locally.”
17. You find a notification from your County School Board about the mandate they put in place about wearing masks and include it here. (Maybe in their meeting minutes.)
18. Milford School Board Policy Manual; Section B: School Board Governance And Operations
Title: School Board Powers and Duties
Code BBA; Status: Active
Adopted: July 1, 1967; Last Revised: August 21, 2014
School Board Powers and Duties
Under the laws of the state of Ohio, the Board acts as the governing body of the public schools. Within the extent of its legal powers, the Board has responsibilities for operating the District in accordance with the desires of local citizens who elect its members.
The Milford Board of Education has stepped outside their legal powers as you have no legal power to mandate medical interventions and restrict parental rights.
19. A list of some, but not all, of your malfeasance includes violations of the following U.S. legal codes:
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 241 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 241. Conspiracy against rights
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 242 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 242. Deprivation of rights under color of Law
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 245 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 245. Federally protected activities
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 1031- U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1031. Major fraud against the United States
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 1038 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1038. False information and hoaxes
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 1341- U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1341. Frauds and swindles
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 1342 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1342. Fictitious name or address
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 1621 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure§ 1621. Perjury Generally.
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 1962 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1962. Prohibited activities
∙ 42 U.S.C. § 1962 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare § 1962.
∙ 42 U.S.C. § 1983 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 42.The Public Health and Welfare§ 1983. Civil action for deprivation of rights
∙ 42 U.S.C. § 1985 - Unannotated Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare§ 1985. Conspiracv to interfere with civil rights
∙ 42 U.S.C. § 1986 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare§ 1986. Action for Neglect to Prevent
42 U.S.C. § 3617 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare§ 3617. Interference, coercion, or intimidation
I have a son who committed suicide on Nov 1st 2020 due to the isolation and lack of2020 access to his friends and sports. Our family is broken and the devastation I am experiencing is beyond comprehension. I believe the isolation drove him to take his life.
My daughter presents with anxiety as I get her ready for school and hand her the mask.
My son has developed a rash around his mouth and a cough that interrupts his breathing.
My 6th grader is now fearful when not wearing a mask and has limited her activities.
21. Milford School Board Policy Manual: Section B: School Board Governance And Operations
Title: Board Member Oath of Office
Code: BBBB -E; Status: Active
Board Member Oath of Office
“Do you solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Ohio; and that you will faithfully and impartially discharge your duties as members of the Board of Education of the Milford Exempted Village School District, Clermont County, Ohio, to the best of your ability, and in accordance with the laws now in effect and hereafter to be enacted, during your continuance in said office, and until your successor is elected and qualified.” The answer is “I do.”
All public servants must have an Oath of Office which states they will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Ohio Constitution, no exceptions.
When you, pursuant to your oath, uphold unconstitutional orders, issued by an unconstitutional entity acting as add position of person, you perjure your oath, violate the Constitutions, violate my rights, violate due process of law and are personally responsible and liable for your actions, because, in part, you have stepped outside the lawful scope of your limited duties and authority, usurped authority not possessed, and act as a renegade. No one is required to obey an unconstitutional order, executive order, guideline or suggestion, as you have.
The American people, in the instant case, me, are guaranteed life, liberty and property, which cannot lawfully be taken from them without due process of law. You extended absolutely no due process of law, whatsoever, to me, yet, by your unconstitutional actions, described herein, you are harassing and harming me, imposing unconstitutional positions and, by demanding I put a mask on my child, you are trespassing on my property. Any action committed in violation of due process of law forfeits any perceived jurisdiction you think you have and all such actions committed are lawfully null and void, without binding force and effect upon me and my child in any way whatsoever.
Therefore, I, your name, request that the agency/person involved cease and desist unlawful mandates about the wearing of masks and limiting social interactions. Such mandates are unconstitutional and a violation of my unalienable rights.
Lawful notification has been provided to you, name of person, stating that if you do not rebut the statements, charges and averments made in this Affidavit/Declaration, then, you tacitly agree with and admit to them. Pursuant to that lawful notification, if you disagree with anything stated under oath in this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth, then rebut to me that with which you disagree, with particularity, within fourteen (14) days of receipt thereof, by means of your own written, notarized affidavit of truth, based on specific, true, relevant fact and valid law to support your disagreement, attesting to your rebuttal and supportive positions, as valid and lawful, under the pains and penalties of perjury under the laws of the United States of America and this state of Ohio. An un-rebutted affidavit stands as truth and fact before any court. Your failure to respond, as stipulated, is your tacit agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth is true, correct, legal, lawful, and is your irrevocable admission attesting to this, fully binding upon you in any court of law in America, without your protest, objection and that of those who represent you.
Affiant further sayeth naught.
All Rights Reserved,
____________________________________ _____________________
Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Affiant/Declarant Date
Full address
In the State of Ohio
County of your county
I swear that on this___day of date, the above named Affiant/Declarant, _______________________, personally appeared before me, and of her own free will, signed and executed this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:______________
KEEP IN MIND - You change all text in red. Opening and closing paragraphs remain the same! Read carefully and change any of the numbered statements you aren't comfortable with. This is your sworn Affidavit
MASTER for Employer Vaccination
KEEP IN MIND - You change all text in red. Opening and closing paragraphs remain the same! Read carefully and change any of the numbered statements you aren't comfortable with. This is your sworn Affidavit
To: Name of corporate officer who demanded compliance with shot mandate
Name of corporation
Address of corporation
I, Full Name and address, the undersigned, make this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth of my own free will, and I hereby affirm, declare and swear, under my oath and under the pains and penalties of perjury under the laws of the United States of America and of this state, that I am of legal age and of sound mind and hereby attest that the charges, claims, statements, averments and information contained in this Affidavit/Declaration are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
This Affidavit/Declaration of Truth is lawful notification to you, and is hereby made and sent to you pursuant to the national Constitution, specifically, the Bill of Rights, in particular, Amendments I, IV, V, VI, VII, IX and X, and The Bill of Rights of the state Constitution, in particular, Sections ……………., and requires your written rebuttal to me, in kind, specific to each and every point of the subject matter stated herein, within 15 days, via your own sworn and notarized affidavit, using true fact, valid law and evidence to support your rebuttal of the specific subject matter stated in this Affidavit/Declaration. You are hereby noticed that your failure to respond, in kind, as stipulated, and rebut, with particularity and specificity, anything with which you disagree in this Affidavit/Declaration, is your lawful, legal and binding tacit agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this Affidavit/Declaration is true, correct, legal, lawful, and fully binding upon you in any court in America, without your protest or objection and that of those who represent you. Your silence is your acquiescence. See: Connally v. General Construction Co., 269 U.S. 385, 391. Notification of legal responsibility is “the first essential of due process of law.” Also, see: U.S. v. Tweel, 550 F. 2d. 297. “Silence can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak or where an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading.”
The national Constitution is the supreme Law of this Land, and as the supreme Law, binds everyone within America to the Constitution, whether public or private. Any act committed by you, Full name of recipient, acting as ………………….., either supports and upholds the Constitutions, national and state, or opposes and violates them.
Your unconstitutional actions, as described throughout this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth, clearly demonstrate how you have violated the above lawful position. Please note that, as stated above and below, if you fail to specifically rebut, in kind, any of the charges, claims and positions set forth in this Affidavit/Declaration, then, you tacitly admit to them, and these admissions will be lawfully used against you. The following paragraphs and others throughout this Affidavit/Declaration describe some of your unlawful, unconstitutional actions, which threaten me, have harmed me or may harm me.
Only some of the unconstitutional government and corporate/business/institutional actions that harm the American people are stated in this Affidavit. Many, many more exist. The COVID-19 PLANDEMIC is another scam and false flag perpetrated by the U.S. government in a long train of abuses and false flags committed and conducted by this government. The fact that the U.S. government would do such a heinous thing to its own people is a clear indicator that those now operating this government are communists who hate Americans, America, herself, and what she represents to the rest of this world, therefore, are intent on destroying the people, the nation, our Constitution and our Constitutional Republic. Communism has long sought to overtake America, and has done so by and through the traitors who occupy governmental positions in this nation. However, because of the duplicitous harm inflicted upon the American people, this false flag is the most notorious in the nation’s history. When others collaborate, are in league with, collude and conspire with governments in any form to commit harm upon the American people, then, they are as guilty and as treasonous as are the governments which are unconstitutionally and unlawfully operating in this nation. Warring against the people and warring against the Constitution is treason and those corporations/businesses/institutions, in league with the unlawful governments, which enforce unconstitutional actions upon the people, are complicit, thus, also commit treason against the people and their Constitution.
My work contract with you and/or the corporation/business/institution, hereinafter: “you”, does not authorize you to demand that I, upon the threat of being fired, take an injection of an experimental COVID-19 serum, issued under “Emergency Use Authorization”, predicated upon an alleged emergency which never materialized. There is mounting evidence that this COVID-19 injection could permanently harm me and/or result in my death. Therefore, since there is no such expressed authorization in that contract, I cannot lawfully be forced to accept the injection nor can I lawfully be fired for refusing to accept it.
Hereinafter, throughout this Affidavit the word “you” refers to you, personally, and to the corporation/business/institution for which I work. The 5th Amendment to the national Constitution guarantees the American people, in the instant case, me, the right to life, liberty and property that cannot lawfully be taken from the people without constitutionally compliant due process of law. You have provided no constitutional due process of law, whatsoever, to me regarding your urgent demand that I accept a COVID-19 injection, or be fired. My body is my life and my property, and my liberty is, in part, the right to make my own choices and my right to earn a living. None of these rights can be taken from me without constitutionally compliant due process of law and, as stated above, you have provided no such due process of law to me, whatsoever, for your demand that I accept an experimental shot which poses risk of death, permanent medical injury and lifelong disability to me in order to save my job, hereinafter: “risk”. Therefore, your actions are unconstitutional, unlawful, without lawful force and effect, whatsoever, thus not lawfully binding upon me.
My body belongs only to me; therefore, I own my body. It is my most precious private property. You do not own my body nor does the state own my body, therefore, none of you have any constitutional or any other form of valid authority to dictate to me, on the threat of job termination, that I must take the risk. I have the constitutionally guaranteed rights, secured in the 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th and 9th Amendments, among other rights, to determine what I do or do not do with and to my own body, and what I allow to be injected into or do not allow to be injected into my body. Neither the governments operating in America nor you have any constitutional authority or any other form of valid, lawful authority, to demand that I take the risk.
Your threat to fire me if I do not subject myself to the risk is criminal, unconstitutional, akin to blackmail and extortion. You have no constitutional or other valid, lawful authority to blackmail and extort me by your demand that I put myself in danger in order to maintain my job.
Since your demand that I take the harmful toxic injection, or be fired, is made without any constitutional due process of law extended to me, whatsoever, then, your actions are devoid of constitutional due process of law, constitutionally defective, constitutionally incompetent, without any lawful force and effect upon me whatsoever. As stated above and repeated for emphasis, my body is my life and my property, and my liberty is for me to determine what I will or will not accept into my body.
You demand that I take the shot, or be fired, yet you do not provide a list of the ingredients in the shot, so that I can be fully informed of what the shot contains to objectively determine for myself whether or not I want to accept the shot. Your failure to fully inform me means that I cannot possibly give informed consent to accept the injection, and any injection being given under an Emergency Use Authorization, EUA, must only be done with the fully informed consent of the person to whom the shot will be given. Your failure to provide the ingredients of the proposed shot and all the known risks and effects, both positive and negative, denies me the ability to be fully informed. Thus, absent this crucial information, because of your failure to provide me the truthful information concerning this COVID-19 shot, I cannot possibly give informed consent. Therefore, I cannot and am not required to comply with your unconstitutional demand.
There are known toxins in the shot, some of which are cited herein below, yet you demand I take the risk, or be fired, thus, under threat, you compel me take known toxins into my body, which exposes me to risk through your failure to provide correct, true, verified information to me and your unreasonable demand that despite the danger, I take the shot.
The pharmaceutical manufacturer(s) of the serum in the shot were made exempt from liability by an extremely corrupt congress for any harm done to those who accept the shot. You have no such exemption from liability, either civil or criminal, and if I were to take the shot because you provided me with a list of ingredients and the known effects of the shot, then, if I were to be harmed by taking the shot, you could be subject to suit and/or criminal charges for damages I sustain, including, but not limited to, death.
America is a Constitutional Republic and the supreme Law of this Land is the Constitution for the United States of America. All public officers and employees—federal, state and local—are bound by oath to the Constitution, must abide by their oaths in the performance of their official duties, thus must support the Constitution over any other form of lesser law, especially “law” that opposes and violates the Constitution. On one side is the Constitution, inherent rights guaranteed therein and due process of law, and on the other, are unconstitutional “laws”, statutes, codes, regulations, rules, policies, etc., which oppose and violate the Constitution. The constitutional mandates specified in Article VI of the Constitution, Clauses 2 & 3, demand specific performance of public officers to uphold the Constitution. There is no discretion whatsoever. All government officers of any type and all agencies of government have no constitutional authority to demand by order, mandate, suggestion, guideline and/or policy, or any other method, that the American people, in the instant case, me, risk their lives and risk health injuries, by complying with an unconstitutional order/mandate which demands they accept this experimental dangerous shot and take the risk, or have their jobs terminated.
You, by making such an unconstitutional demand of me, are colluding and conspiring with the federal, state and local governments to force me to take a harmful shot which could kill or injure me, simply to save my job. You have no lawful authority to collude and conspire with unlawful governments to commit such atrocious unconstitutional harm upon me. You, in this case meaning the corporation, and the board of directors, the CEO, and the president are directly responsible for the actions of the corporation which unconstitutionally threaten and harm me in any manner. All of you, including the stockholders, could face criminal and civil actions for your criminal, unconstitutional threat made against me.
You, meaning the corporation, were brought into existence by government approval. Government action can take you out of existence because of your unlawful coercion and threats foisted upon me and other workers within this corporation. As stated above, all governmental officers of any type must abide by their oaths in the performance of their official duties and have no constitutional authority whatsoever to defy the Constitution(s), the inherent rights and constitutional due process of law guaranteed to the American people. Since the Constitution is the supreme Law of the Land, as clearly stated in the referenced Article VI, it binds all people, both public and private, and you, as a creation of the government, are required to abide by constitutional mandates and are prohibited from threatening or coercing your workers into accepting a dangerous experimental gene altering shot as a condition of maintaining their jobs.
In our Constitutional Republic the Supreme Law is supreme, thus, supersedes all forms of lesser law whatever they may be. When you abide by unconstitutional lesser “law”, policy, regulation and/or mandate and damage and harm your workers in any way, then, you and all corporate facets are fully responsible and liable for your actions.
The legislatures of various states granted emergency powers to the governors based upon a fraudulent, non-existent “emergency”, which alleged “emergency” is based upon an alleged, but non-existent, “COVID-19 virus”. Many doctors have publicly stated that this alleged virus does not exist, has never been isolated, identified or purified; therefore, scientifically, there is no “COVID-19 virus” in existence. The CDC has admitted that it does not have a sample of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” and no other laboratory in this world has a sample of this alleged “virus”. Therefore, there is no genuine emergency for an alleged “pandemic” allegedly caused by a “virus” which does not exist. Thus, any unconstitutional orders that issue from government, or suggestions, guidelines, policies and mandates for treatments, actions and “cures” for a “virus” that does not exist are completely fraudulent and unconstitutional. Your threats to me and other workers are not only unconstitutional, but also based in fraud because the alleged “virus” does not exist, therefore mandating treatments and injections for a non-existent “virus” are fraudulent, unconstitutional and criminal. The same conditions apply to the President and to Congress.
Either constitutional authority for an action by government exists, or it does not. Article I, Section 1 of the national Constitution vests all legislative authority in Congress. Neither the president nor the courts have any constitutional law-making authority whatsoever. Therefore, the acting-president has no constitutional authority to make laws binding and enforceable upon the American people. What he has issued is not law binding upon the people. The president does have the lawful authority to issue executive orders, but these apply only to the executive department, not to the American people. As stated above, no agency of government has the constitutional authority to enforce unconstitutional orders upon the people and especially so-called “laws” that harm the people. American Citizens are not constitutionally required to abide by unconstitutional orders and neither are businesses and corporations. A law must be valid to exist and must exist to be enforced. There is no valid constitutionally compliant law issued by this acting-president that is enforceable upon the people or upon businesses and corporations. The positions below will illustrate this point. Everything can be measured, including governmental actions.
Any act passed by Congress or by any legislature, and any action committed by any oath taker, either supports and upholds the Constitution, or opposes and violates it. IT IS REALLY THIS BASICALLY SIMPLE.
No oath takers have the constitutional authority, or any other form of valid, lawful authority, to oppose and violate the very Constitution to which they swore or affirmed their oaths.
When the fraudulent, unconstitutional legislatures issued their fraudulent, unconstitutional emergency powers to the governors, the governors accepted those fraudulent, unconstitutional emergency powers and issued fraudulent, unconstitutional executive orders, guidelines, mandates and suggestions that were carried out by agencies of governments, as well as businesses, restaurants, corporations, institutions, schools, etc. These agencies of governments and the others involved had no constitutional authority to enforce unconstitutional orders upon the people, and the people have no constitutional requirement whatsoever to abide by unconstitutional orders issued by domestic enemies holding office. The American people, in the instant case, me, do have the responsibility to expose and oppose all unconstitutional orders issued by domestic enemies which harm the American people. Your collusion and conspiracy with government(s) clearly demonstrate your unconstitutional actions and demands that could harm me and other workers were we to accept the dangerous experimental COVID-19 shot and take the risk. Therefore, you war against the Constitution, war against the American people and in so doing, declare yourself a domestic enemy to America, her people, our Constitution(s) and our Constitutional Republic. You are known by your actions, and not by your words.
Your demand that I take the risk, or lose my job, puts you in the position of possibly committing genocide upon me and the other workers and inducing me and those people to take the risk of possibly committing suicide under the threat of losing our jobs. This is tantamount to forcing me and the other workers to play Russian Roulette. It’s also tantamount to a business owner telling his male worker that he can work for him, on the condition that the worker’s wife and five daughters must sleep with the owner anytime he demands. This is completely amoral, unethical and without honor of any type whatsoever and typifies communism as it exists in reality. Should any of your workers, including me, perish after taking the risk, you could be charged with murder, based, in part, upon information I provide to my survivors.
You are required to perform due diligence before engaging in any action or making any demand that could harm me and the other workers. Had you performed that due diligence, you would have discovered the growing amount of scientific and medical evidence showing the concrete harm that people have suffered, including death and serious, lifelong injuries, by taking the shot. Not all people have demonstrated these injuries, at this point, but enough have died and been harmed for life to make any diligent fact finder aware of the risks involved in taking this experimental shot. This knowledge should induce any logical, sensible, humane, ethical and moral corporation to completely refrain from demanding its workers take the shot, or be fired, simply to comply with an unconstitutional, dangerous mandate being advocated by unconstitutional, unlawful governments whose intention is to harm the people and destroy America. Corporate responsibility is very important to a corporation, as well as corporate liability, and you are aware of both situations.
Corporate responsibility requires you to perform due diligence. If you have not performed due diligence, then, you are unaware of the dangers and the risks you are demanding me and the other workers to take. Therefore, if I and other workers were to take the COVID-19 shot, and if I and/or others were to die, then, you killed us. The corporation would also be fully liable and responsible for those who experience lifelong injuries from being forced to take the shot. You hereby admit to this without protest or objection of any sort.
Due diligence would have clearly demonstrated that the “vaccinated” still get “COVID-19” in great numbers, therefore, there is no reason to be “vaccinated”, if I can still get “COVID-19” after having accepted the shot. Logically, there is no benefit in taking the shot if, as demonstrated, those who take the shot, test positive for COVID and infect others. That due diligence would have clearly demonstrated that those who received the shot transmit, leak or shed some type of disease to others. Therefore, it is very dangerous to get the shot for these reasons, alone. Despite this evidence, you demand that I and my fellow workers take the risk or lose our jobs.
The federal and all other governments in America constantly misrepresent, use subterfuge, lie and deceive the people as an ordinary unwritten custom, practice and policy of government. Governments do not uphold the Constitution(s), but do enforce communist tactics and policies upon the people, as they have been unlawfully doing for many, many decades. There is a rising tide within the people to the extent that they are awakening to the fraud, deceit and lies, and there is a major resurgence back to our original, organic Constitution, which may restore constitutional governance to this nation and remove the domestic enemies that have been treasonously subverting America, her Constitution and her people for far too long. Those businesses and corporations that cooperate with these outrageously unconstitutional governments are nothing more than shills for these corrupt governments. You have a right to believe these lies, deceptions, the fraud and subterfuge, but you do not have the right to impose the conditions of these criminal unconstitutional actions upon me and my fellow workers, especially conditions that in any manner impose harm upon me and my fellow workers.
As stated above, those who accept COVID-19 shots still become afflicted with illness and they shed and transmit the illness to others. This is something of which you should be fully aware and fully research to understand your full liability. If some of this corporation’s workers accept the shot, then develop illness because of the shot, and/or transfer the illness to others in the corporation, resulting in the need to be hospitalized for treatment, then, be aware of the following facts.
∙ Since Americans are constitutionally guaranteed their rights to life, liberty and property which cannot lawfully be taken from them without constitutionally compliant due process of law, and since you have provided no constitutionally compliant due process of law, your actions are unlawful, unconstitutional, violate my rights, thus, have no lawful force and effect upon me whatsoever. Your continuation of your demand is harassment.
∙ You and the corporation are mandating that I risk harming myself, possibly kill myself or permanently injure myself, by accepting a dangerous, experimental injection of a gene altering medical device, now being called “the kill shot”, since it has already taken tens of thousands of lives, if not more, in America, and permanently injured hundreds of thousands or more. If I refuse, I will lose my job. By your actions, you risk major corporate liability.
∙ Full disclosure is required to be provided by you regarding all aspects of this kill shot. You must name all ingredients and possible risks, yet you have failed to do so. However, you continue to demand that I risk permanent medical harm, or even death, because of your demand, yet you have provided no full disclosure whatsoever, and without full disclosure you have no authority to demand that I do anything that could possibly harm me. There is no informed consent possible without full disclosure from you, which you have failed to provide.
∙ The kill shot has been demonstrated to be ineffective against viral infection.
∙ The kill shot has demonstrated that it transfers or transmits the disease to other people.
∙ If you and the corporation have done your due diligence, then, you know how dangerous the kill shot is to the recipient. Thus, knowing the harmful effects, then to demand your workers, in the instant case, me, take the shot, incurs massive corporate liability.
∙ Your actions, in league with the government(s), to which you are beholden for your existence, harm the people within this corporation and the American public in general by demanding that the workers take the risk of killing themselves or permanently injuring themselves, and if they do not do so, they will lose their jobs. This is not only extortion and blackmail, but also war against the Constitution and war against the American people, which makes you, the corporation and the government(s) domestic enemies of the people.
∙ The entire corporate structure bears full responsibility for the corporate demand that its employees take the kill shot, while that corporate structure fully knows the risks and consequences involved.
∙ The corporate board of directors, as well as the president and CEO of the corporation, all have direct responsibility and liability for this unlawful demand which they impose upon the people, as well as do the stockholders of the corporation.
As stated, your corporation owes its “life” to the government that created it. That same government can remove the “life” of the corporation and its existence, since this corporation, by its draconian demands upon its people, puts them in danger of great bodily harm through extortion and blackmail, which are criminal activities committed by this corporation pursuant to its demand. It is possible that some of your workers who accept the jab will become very sick with illnesses and because those who received the COVID-19 jab can transmit illness to other workers within the corporation, which may require their hospitalization, the following describes the usual Fauci and CDC protocols in such cases.
Many courageous nurses and doctors are publicly stating that the patients being treated for “COVID-19” “breakthrough cases” are people who took the “COVID” shots and that the protocols mandated for treatment of these “COVID” patients are actually harming and killing them. Therefore, the “cure” is worse than the alleged disease, which has a cure rate of 99.7%+ in adults and 99.9%+ in children. These very high cure rates raise serious questions as to why a “vaccine” has been rushed to market and is being forced on the American people for such a mild illness. This fact makes all of the draconian measures unconstitutionally imposed on the American people, such as lock downs, business closures, church closures, mask mandates, social distancing, the rushed “vaccines” and the push to inoculate millions of Americans highly suspicious, especially given the fact that none of this has ever been implemented before, even during genuinely severe flu epidemics that resulted in many deaths.
The PCR test being used to determine if “COVID-19” is present is not only inaccurate, but inappropriate for this purpose, which constitutes a medical fraud perpetrated upon the people by governments and the medical-pharmaceutical complex to falsely build up the number of alleged “COVID cases”, frighten people and thereby “justify” the need and desire for the “vaccines”. The late Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, openly stated that this test should not be used to detect infection, since it is incapable of detecting infections. The test’s purpose is to detect the presence of genetic particles. Since all humans have genetic particles in them, virtually anyone could test “positive” by this inappropriate test, which the CDC announced is being discontinued by the end of 2021 because of its ineffectiveness. There are enormous numbers of false “positives” because of this fraudulent testing method, giving rise to the false belief that there are huge numbers of people who are sick with “COVID-19”. However, these people are asymptomatic, thus, not ill, but are being counted as if they are ill to inflate the alleged number of “COVID-19” cases and continuously promote fear to induce people to take the dangerous “COVID” shots. Thus, there is a “false positive pandemic”, not an illness pandemic.
Another factor driving the illusion of a “COVID-19 pandemic” is the fact that hospitals and clinics receive federal funds for reporting alleged “COVID-19” cases, for using ventilators on alleged “COVID” patients and for citing “COVID-19” on death certificates, whether the deceased died of “COVID-19” or not. Doctors have reported that they have been pressured to put “COVID-19” down as the cause of death, even though the patients had died from other causes. When hospitals get paid for reporting false “COVID” cases and then hospitals comply with orders and procedures mandating treatments that can kill patients, instead of saving them, and get paid for so doing, there is no difference between these murderous practices and those of professional killers hired to commit murder. Rather than prescribing and using correct treatments that can cure patients, these heartless doctors and hospitals deny them and instead murder their patients for money. Those callous hospitals and doctors engaging in this murderous deception, clearly demonstrate that they violate the Hippocratic Oath, have no honor and sold out their ethics for money, rather than providing correct, known treatments to cure patients and save lives. All of this constitutes egregious fraud, medical malpractice, outright deception and murder. You could incur serious liability for sending your own workers to their possible deaths and/or serious permanent injury through the imposition of the usual protocols that have unconscionably killed so many. The ethical, moral, correct path is far better than the immoral, unethical, destructive one. If you agree, then, you will stop your demands that put me and my coworkers at risk. The alternative speaks for itself.
Those workers who succumb to your threats and take the shot, may show “positive” after being PCR tested, due to the faulty test, and more likely, will become ill because they took the shot, so then will be treated with practices that harm or kill them in many situations, such as the administering of Remdesivir and the use of ventilators, should they be hospitalized. Yet, this is what Anthony Fauci ordered hospitals and doctors to do, knowing that Remdesivir had harmed and killed patients, which is murder. Yet, you want us to take a kill shot and expose us to possible risk of death and permanent medical injury, should we become ill after taking the shot and require hospitalization that could kill us, just so we can keep our jobs. On this basis, the actions of the U.S. government and other governments in this country are similar to the atrocities of Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Chou En Lai, Pol Pot, Castro and other murderous communists. Yet, you follow the unconstitutional dictates of domestic-enemy governments in America, usurped by communists, to which you are beholden, thus, join the American “useful idiots” following and enforcing these pernicious communist dictates upon the people. Be aware that corporate responsibility and proper due diligence, if not followed correctly and truthfully, can lead to massive corporate liability.
Below is some relevant disturbing information concerning the experimental “COVID-19” injections which you are coercing me and other workers to accept, under threat being fired.
It is established that the drug companies who produced the “COVID-19” gene altering medical devices, which do not meet the scientific criteria required to be termed “vaccines”, did not do any of the following reasonable, responsible, logical, necessary actions:
∙ Conduct any animal trials prior to the FDA’s emergency use approval that would have convinced a reasonable person that these gene altering medical devices were safe to use on humans. This is scientifically and medically irresponsible and has caused many people to lose their lives and/or to incur serious medical injuries.
∙ Complete long-term clinical trials to establish whether the “vaccines” were safe. This is scientifically and medically irresponsible, bordering on criminal.
∙ Make public any data revealing the bio-distribution studies they conducted which showed where the substance contained in the injection serum travels within the body. This is deceptive, evasive, fraudulent and scientifically and medically irresponsible, possibly criminal.
The following important information, discussing the university study conducted by Ricardo Delgado Martin, Founder and Director of La Quinta Columna, the Fifth Column, reveals the disturbing fact that a research team at the Escuela Superior de Ingenería, University of Almería, Almeria, Spain found graphene oxide nano-particles, a known toxin, poisonous to the human body, in various factory-fresh, unopened vials of COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines”. https://www.globalresearch.ca/face-masks-contain-graphene-a-poisonous-substance/5749855.
The results of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy are far-reaching. Graphene oxide is a toxin which triggers thrombi [clots] and blood coagulation. It also has an impact on the immune system. Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs can have devastating impacts. The study found the serum contained 99% graphene oxide as well as synthetic mRNA.
The Spanish study suggests that the recorded vaccine related deaths and “adverse events” (e.g. published in the US by the CDC and in the EU) are attributable to the presence of graphene oxide nano-particles contained in the “COVID-19 vaccine” vial.
Of significance, (acknowledged by national health authorities) graphene oxide is also contained in the face mask. Particles of graphene oxide have also been found in the swabs used to conduct the PCR tests. All of this is very troubling, suspicious and is known to the governments who are demanding the people take the risk.
Graphene has electromagnetic properties which have been detected in people who have been “vaccinated”. These effects have been amply documented and confirmed. See the study conducted by the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance. Ricardo Delgado Martin is specialized in biostatistics, clinical microbiology, clinical genetics and immunology.
For further details on this project see the report by Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, specialized in Chemistry and Biology, Escuela Superior de Ingenería, University of Almería.
See summary of their report entitled Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension, Observational study in Optical and Electron Microscopy. Full Study (English)
Speaking on behalf of the Spanish research team, Ricardo Delgado Martin recommends that the “COVID-19” experimental mRNA “vaccine” should be cancelled and discontinued immediately.
Below are additional facts demonstrating the hazards posed by the COVID-19 shots:
∙ The contents of the “vaccine” largely collect in various organs and in the lining of the vascular system causing damage to the organs and vascular system.
∙ Large amounts of the substance accumulate in the ovaries.
∙ There are concerns that this will affect women’s fertility and may impair the ability for women to successfully bring a pregnancy to term with the live birth of a healthy baby.
∙ Drug companies are reportedly researching these concerns, but the results of this research are unknown at this time, or if they are known, they have not been made public.
∙ The vaccine enters the bloodstream and collects in the lining of the blood vessels which forces the cells to produce the spike protein.
∙ The spike protein is a biologically active pathogen which causes blood clots and leaky blood vessels in a large percentage of the people who are “vaccinated”.
∙ The blood clots are mostly microscopic and appear in the capillaries.
∙ As yet, reportedly only a small percentage of those injected have suffered strokes or cardiac arrest, but there is concern that this number could grow over time due to the presence of these microscopic blood clots caused by the spike protein and the effects they will have on the body. These effects are being shown in the alarmingly increasing number of cases of myocarditis and periocarditis in young people, especially young healthy males.
Still further:
∙ The regulators at the FDA know that all previous coronavirus vaccines had failed in animal trials and that the vaccinated animals became either severely ill or died.
∙ The regulators knew that previous coronavirus vaccines had a tendency to “enhance the infection” and “make the disease worse”.
∙ Dr. Anthony Fauci knew that coronavirus “vaccines” had repeatedly failed and increased the severity of the infection, yet still advocated they be rushed to market, despite his knowledge that they could likely make the illness worse in those who accepted the shots.
∙ Fauci knew that Remdesivir killed people in trials, yet he still recommended it as the exclusive treatment for hospitalized “COVID-19” patients and deceptively vilified and forbade other forms of effective, safe treatments, such as Hydroycholorquine and Ivermectin, both of which have decades’ long track records of efficacy and safety. Therefore, he is complicit in the deaths of tens of thousands who died in hospitals under his murderous protocols. Fauci’s actions were and continue to be fraudulent, criminal, medically irresponsible, negligent and malfeasant, all in violation of his Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.
∙ The FDA knew and noted that Pfizer had “identified vaccine-associated enhanced disease, ADE, including vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease, as an important potential risk”, but they did not demand that Pfizer fix the problem. This is scientifically and medically irresponsible, criminal negligence and malfeasance.
∙ The above suggests that the FDA largely abdicated its regulatory duties and abandoned its normal standards and protocols because it was intent on rushing the “COVID-19” “vaccines” to market as quickly as possible and that it likely knew the “vaccines” would not be able to meet the long term safety standards necessary to earn full, unconditional approval.
∙ It is unconscionable that medical regulators entrusted with safeguarding the health and well-being of Americans failed to investigate the finding that large “vaccine” particles cross blood vessel walls, entering the bloodstream and posing risks of blood clotting and leaky vessels.
∙ The figures available at the Adverse Events Reporting System [VAERS] strongly suggest that the “COVID-19” “vaccine” is unequivocally the most dangerous vaccine in history, and these figures are likely much lower than the actual deaths and adverse events which have actually occurred, as postulated by many medical professionals who say that these deaths and events are underreported by a factor of 10 to up to 100.
∙ Despite all of this profoundly troubling information, the FDA is rushing the “boosters”—which have not been modified to meet the alleged changes in the so-called “Delta variant”—without conducting proper testing. This is medically and scientifically irresponsible, likely criminal.
∙ There is considerable additional risk in taking a booster-shot after already taking two experimental gene-based serum injections within a couple of months or so, in that the booster shots repeatedly boost the immune response to the spike protein, thus will progressively boost self-to-self immune attack, including boosting complement-mediated damage to vessel walls. The likelihood of epic numbers of auto-immune disorders, which have already occurred in many who have taken the jab, looms large.
∙ The greater the vessel leakage and clotting that subsequently occurs will likely cause the organs supplied by the adversely affected blood flow to be damaged. This could result in strokes, heart attacks and brain vein thrombosis, with symptoms ranging from death to headaches, nausea and vomiting, all of which occur in those who have adverse reactions to “COVID-19” “vaccines”.
∙ Clinically speaking, according to statements made in a letter to the EMA and European Parliament by Doctors for Covid Ethics, in addition to damage from leakage and clotting alone, it is additionally possible that the vaccine itself may leak into surrounding organs and tissues. Should this take place, the cells of those organs will themselves begin to produce spike protein, and will come under attack in the same way as the vessel walls. Damage to major organs such as the lungs, ovaries, placenta and heart can be expected to ensue, with increasing severity and frequency as booster shots are rolled out.
∙ It was the responsibility of the regulators at the FDA to have known that these problems would arise following the launching of the “vaccine” campaign as soon as they saw that the “vaccine” did not stay in the shoulder as it was supposed to. The regulators either have failed to perform their due diligence to ascertain the ramifications of the shot, and went ahead, anyway, or, in the alternative, they did their due diligence, which fully informed them of the risks, yet proceeded, in spite of the known risks. Therefore, they put enormous numbers of people in harm’s way. This is criminal.
∙ Corporate responsibility and corporate due diligence are extremely important, and when not conducted properly and truthfully can and do lead to corporate liability. The “vaccine” was not supposed to enter the bloodstream and spread across the body leaving billions of spike proteins in its wake. (The spike protein is a cytotoxin, a cell killer. It is not an appropriate antigen for stimulating an immune response. It is a potentially-lethal pathogen that poses a threat to one’s health even if it is separated from the virus.) The spike protein poses a threat to the entire body by triggering the body’s immune system to attack the body and, further, since the protein essentially ruins the immune system, subjects the recipient to susceptibility of serious infection from exposure to any other type of disease, even a mild cold.
∙ Nor was the vaccine supposed to trigger Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE), which is the condition referenced above when referring to “vaccine-associated enhanced disease”. This is the likely reason why so many “fully vaccinated” people have become ill and required hospitalization.
∙ You demand that I and other workers take this dangerous, experimental, gene altering serum and put ourselves at risk of death and permanent bodily harm in order to maintain our jobs. As stated above, this is criminal, blackmail and extortion, at minimum, and a violation of the 8th Amendment which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. This punishment comes in two ways. Either we take the shot and risk possible death and permanent injury by accepting the injection, or in not taking the shot, we lose our jobs and means of earning a livelihood and support for ourselves and our families. A government of right does not subject its population to such horrors nor does a corporation who cares about its workers.
∙ It was the responsibility of the FDA, Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and others involved in this process to make all of these possible bad outcomes known to the public before coercing people, through fear, based on false data, to agree to be “vaccinated”.
∙ The CDC’s morbid distortion of death is not the only process that obfuscates data and deceives the nation. The CDC also devised a different set of testing guidelines for the “vaccinated” and the “unvaccinated”. The CDC is pushing many industries to punish the “unvaccinated” at their place of employment and education, forcing them to take more frequent “COVID-19” PCR swab tests and nasal probes. CDC guidance allows laboratories to use a cycle threshold (CT) of 40 or greater for the “unvaccinated”. The CDC recommends that laboratories use a CT of 28 or less for the “vaccinated”. This disparate testing guideline minimizes the risk of false positives for the “vaccinated”, but continues to generate a pandemic of false “positives” in the “unvaccinated”, artificially raising the number of cases for the “unvaccinated”.
∙ The CDC forces healthy people to take falsely calibrated “COVID” tests, resulting in false reports of outbreaks. Meanwhile, the CDC only reports “COVID” cases in the “vaccinated” if these cases are 15 days past the second dose “vaccine” and only if these cases result in hospitalization or death. This fraud is further exacerbated by another cavalier rule by the CDC, which allows hospitals to claim “COVID-19” is the cause of hospitalization or death, when it cannot be ruled out or is suspected of causing the illness.
∙ “COVID-19” was the sole cause of death for only six percent (6%) of the reported “COVID-19” deaths in 2020, revealing widespread medical fraud. Former CDC chief, Robert Redfield, blew the whistle in a hearing by the House Oversight and Reform Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. He said hospitals are given a “perverse economic incentive” to inflate “COVID” deaths in the unvaccinated. There are hundreds of common infections that are still being reported as “COVID-19”, as evidenced by the near eradication of hundreds of thousands of influenza cases in 2020. All this medical fraud, force and deception reveal a horrific picture: the CDC is part of a VAX-all agenda and is desperately trying to cover up for crimes against humanity.
∙ Lies, deceit, and fraud are not constitutionally authorized activities, yet the CDC, which is a private organization dictating to the public, and upheld by governments, uses these nefarious tactics against the American people to further their own murderous agenda.
∙ The FDA’s guidance on emergency use authorization [EUA] of medical products requires the FDA to “ensure that recipients are informed to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances...[t]hat they have the option to accept or refuse the EUA product...” As stated earlier, you have provided no information whatsoever regarding the ingredients in the COVID shots, the risks and benefits of those ingredients, therefore, I cannot lawfully be compelled to put myself at risk by taking a shot which could cause my death or severe medical injury, or in the alternative, be fired if I refuse to endanger myself.
∙ Regarding the emergency use of an unapproved product, the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Title 21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I-III), states that individuals be informed of “the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, [and] of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.” No government of right can mandate that its Citizens be compelled to take an experimental serum which has been proven to be harmful and which poses a serious risk of death and permanent injury. No agency of government and no corporation has the constitutional authority, or any other form of valid, lawful authority, to demand that their workers, in the instant case, me, take a shot that could kill them or injure them seriously and permanently, under threat of being fired.
∙ EUA products are unapproved, unlicensed, and experimental. Under the Nuremberg Code—the foundation of ethical medicine—no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. The individual’s consent is absolutely essential. No court has ever upheld a mandate for any EUA vaccine. Yet you coerce me and my fellow workers to take the shot, or be fired. Therefore, you defy the referenced universally accepted Nuremberg Code which is also fully accepted by the United States government.
∙ The United States Code of Federal Regulations and the FDA require the informed consent of human subjects for medical research. The EUA “COVID-19” injections are unapproved, unlicensed, investigational, experimental vaccines that are still in their experimental stage. It is unlawful to conduct medical research on a human being, even in the event of an alleged emergency, unless steps are taken to secure the full informed consent of all participants.
∙ Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Guidelines state in their “Truth In Advertising,” promotional materials, in particular, materials pertaining to health-related products, that such materials cannot mislead consumers, omit important information, or express claims. In other words, the FTC prohibits “deceptive advertising” by which a company endorses a product, via advertising, on a website, through email, on a poster, or in the mail. In regards to the subject matter of this Affidavit, statements made by you in any form such as “all employees are required to get the COVID-19 vaccine to make the workspace safe” or alleging that the shot is “safe and effective” omit critical information which has a direct bearing on whether or not I or my coworkers would accept the “COVID-19” shot. Critical information includes the known facts that “COVID-19” injections are
unapproved EUA “vaccines” that “may” or “may not” prevent “COVID”, won’t necessarily make the workplace safer, and could in fact cause harm. Not providing links or attachments of the manufacturers’ fact sheets and current information on adverse events is omitting safety information. You have provided no such required crucial information. Therefore, your demand is completely unlawful, illegal and unconstitutional. Thus, I cannot be lawfully compelled to place myself in danger without having been provided full and complete disclosure. Your failure to provide full disclosure is fraud being conducted to threaten and coerce your workers, including me, into taking a dangerous, experimental jab.
Some factual information for you regarding informed consent:
∙ An adult has a lawful and legal choice when it comes to the decision of whether to take the “vaccine.”
∙ However, medical doctors must provide a patient with informed consent before the “vaccine” is administered. If they fail to do so, any invasive procedure constitutes the tort of battery under law which is actionable in a civil lawsuit.
∙ Failure to provide informed consent is also a ground for a medical malpractice lawsuit for money damages.
Additional facts regarding the efficacy, lack thereof, and consequences for those who accepted the “COVID-19” shot:
▪ According to the CDC, “COVID-19” “vaccines” do not prevent either contracting or transmitting the virus, and there can be large rates of transmission of the “Delta variant virus” from “fully-vaccinated” people. Since this is the case, then, no government of right and constitutionality would mandate the shot for its people and no corporation would cooperate with the governments’ mandates.
▪ “COVID-19” “vaccines” do not work as well against the “Delta variant”, meaning that greater-than-expected numbers of fully “vaccinated” people are experiencing symptomatic illness, hospitalization, injury and death.
▪ Large studies out of Israel have shown that fully “vaccinated” people are 6-13 times more likely to have “breakthrough illness” than people with natural immunity from previous infection.
▪ World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne has stated that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness.
▪ Perronne specializes in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Communicable Diseases of the High Council of Public Health.
▪ Confirming the rapidly deteriorating situation in Israel and the UK, the infectious disease expert stated: “Vaccinated people should be put in quarantine, and should be isolated from the society.”
▪ He went on to say: “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others. It’s proven in Israel now – I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel – they’re having big problems, severe cases in the hospitals are among vaccinated people, and in UK also, you have the larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”
▪ The current working group on the “COVID-19 pandemic” in France was reported to be “utterly panicked” on receipt of the news, fearing pandemonium if it follows the guidance of the experts.
▪ Israeli doctor Kobi Haviv told Channel 13 News: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90% of hospitalizations. We are opening more and more COVID branches. The effectiveness of vaccines is declining or disappearing.”
▪ NB: “Any booster Jab will make this 10 X worse!!”
▪ Data released Sept. 17, 2021 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 17, 2021, a total of 726,965 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The data included a total of 15,386 reports of deaths — an increase of 461 over the previous week.
▪ There were 99,410 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 7,887 compared with the previous week.
Credible medical professionals have publicly stated that “vaccine” adverse reactions are underreported by a factor of 10 to 100. Therefore, if one were to multiply the reported deaths, by 10, this figure would amount to 153,860. Multiplied by 100, the deaths would amount to 1,538,600. If one were to take the 726,965 reported injuries, minus the 15,386 deaths, this figure amounts to 711,579 injuries. 711,759 multiplied by 10 amounts to 7,115,790 injuries. Times 100, this amounts to 71,157,100 injuries. Some of the deaths occurred within 24 to 48 hours after receiving the shot, or sooner.
With the above figures clearly stated, you want me and my fellow workers to take the risk of death or serious injury, or lose our jobs. As previously stated several times herein, corporate due diligence and corporate responsibility are very important here, the lack of which can lead to massive corporate liability.
All of the above stated information makes it very clear that the risks involved in accepting the “COVID-19” shot are real, so extremely high, that the rational, objective observer displaying common sense and a modicum of intelligence would run from the shot as he would run from an oncoming train. It is evident that those who take the shot convey illness to others, who in turn do the same, to the extent that if the shots continue to be administered, the entire country could be engaged in a mass epidemic of fatalities, permanent injuries and damaged lives throughout the entire population. In sum, this is the makings for the ruination of America. As stated within, a government of right would never subject its own people to such catastrophic damages, but a communist government would do so and have done so throughout history. This begs the question as to why any corporation, including you, would concur and comply with such a genocidal policy and thereby destroy your own workforce and the corporation.
This communist, treasonous federal government is blackmailing and extorting corporations and businesses, through the imposition of hefty fines for non-compliance with this murderous, unconstitutional mandate, into compelling their workers to take the kill shot, or be fired. This is blatantly unconstitutional on the part of the federal government and the corporations who submit to this unconstitutional, unlawful blackmail and extortion. Such a government is criminal; therefore, the demands and threats to you, to me and to my fellow workers are criminal, constitutionally defective, constitutionally incompetent, null and void, without any lawful force and effect whatsoever. When you and other corporations unconstitutionally enforce the experimental shot upon workers, then these corporations act as the stooges or executioners for government of wrong and are equally as guilty as government. This is an unholy alliance among governments and corporations intent on warring upon the people and their Constitution, all based upon a false pandemic based upon a non-existing virus. Once compliant corporations bow to government to the detriment of their own workers and possibly to their entire operation, this first step will likely develop into never-ending mandates and overarching control of all corporations and businesses. This is the absolute ugly essence of communism and the American people are finally beginning to see and understand this.
According to ZeroHedge.com, 27 Republican governors have committed themselves to opposing Biden’s unprecedented executive order. The order mandates that no fewer than 80 million working people be vaccinated, submit to weekly testing, or their employers will be fined. The fines amount to $14,000 for each violation. If an employee refuses the “vaccine”, each week he or she goes “unvaccinated” and untested is another violation. That means one employee could cost a company as much as $56,000 a month. Clearly, an employer would be forced to fire anyone who refuses to be “vaccinated” or tested, as many of us would and are.
Certainly, when faced with losing their livelihoods, millions of people who are otherwise unwilling to get the jab will reluctantly submit. Those who do will face the risk of heart-swelling, blood clots, and become living factories for “COVID” protein spikes. The idea of a mother or father of modest means being backed into a corner, risking severe illness and unknown long-term side effects, is unthinkable and unconscionable.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said, “When you have a president like Biden, issuing unconstitutional edicts against the American people, we have a responsibility to stand up for the Constitution and to fight back, and we are doing that in the state of Florida.” Remember, no American has the constitutional responsibility to obey any unconstitutional order, but does have the constitutional duty to oppose that unconstitutional order and the domestic-enemy-communist who issued it as well as the domestic-enemy public officers and politicians who accept and promote that unconstitutional order.
Referenced earlier in this Affidavit is the fact that only some of the unconstitutional, unlawful government actions that adversely affect the people are stated herein. When you collaborate with, are in league with, collude and conspire with communist governments to enforce their unconstitutional policies upon the people, then, you are as guilty as those governments in committing unconstitutional, unlawful actions upon the people. You have no constitutional authority, whatsoever, to harm the people in any way by and through your unconstitutional actions. The people have no constitutional responsibility to abide by any unconstitutional orders, mandates and policies issued by unconstitutional domestic enemy-communists holding office, whether public or private. However, as said above, the people do have the constitutional duty to expose and oppose all domestic enemies of this republic, which include, but are not limited, to you. The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot lawfully be converted into a crime. Government of right cannot inflict damages upon an entire population and expect that population to be quiet, as it has been throughout most of America’s existence. The American people are awakening to the fact that communists have overtaken the federal, state and local governments and will no longer tolerate the hostile, abusive actions of such governments. Americans in great numbers are rightfully outraged and will take lawful effective actions against those who have harmed, are harming and will harm them. The voices of the people can no longer be subdued by oppressive governments in league with corporations, businesses, institutions, academia, media, etc. that enforce governments’ pernicious, murderous policies upon the people. Sanity will again reign in America.
Lawful notification has been provided to you stating that if you do not rebut, in kind, the statements, charges and averments made in this Affidavit/Declaration, then, you tacitly agree with and admit to them. Pursuant to that lawful notification, if you disagree with anything stated under oath in this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth, then rebut to me that with which you disagree, with particularity, within days of receipt thereof, by means of your own written, sworn, notarized affidavit of truth, based on specific, true, relevant fact and valid law to support your disagreement, attesting to your rebuttal and supportive positions, as valid and lawful, under the pains and penalties of perjury under the laws of the United States of America and this state of ….. An un-rebutted affidavit stands as truth and fact before any court. Your failure to respond, as stipulated, is your tacit agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth is true, correct, legal, lawful, and is your irrevocable admission attesting to this, fully binding upon you in any court of law in America, without your protest, objection and that of those who represent you.
Affiant further sayeth naught.
All Rights Reserved,
____________________________________ _____________________
Full Name, Affiant/Declarant Date
In the State of Your State,
County of Your County
I swear that on this_____day of month 2021, the above named Affiant/Declarant, Full Name, personally appeared before me, and of his [her] own free will, signed and executed this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:______________
To: Name of Recipient, Acting as NAME POSITION OF THE PERSON
I, name and address, the undersigned, make this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth of my own free will, and I hereby affirm, declare and swear, under my oath and under the pains and penalties of perjury under the laws of the United States of America and of this state, that I am of legal age and of sound mind and hereby attest that the statements, averments and information contained in this Affidavit/Declaration are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
This Affidavit/Declaration of Truth is lawful notification to you, and is hereby made and sent to you pursuant to the national Constitution, specifically, the Bill of Rights, in particular, Amendments I, IV, V, VI, VII, IX and X, and The Bill of Rights of the Ohio Constitution, in particular;
Article I - Bill of Rights, section 1, 2, 11, 20 and 21(A) where it states:
Section 1: Inalienable rights. All men are, by nature, free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety.
Section 2: Right to alter, reform, or abolish government, and repeal special privileges. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the right to alter, reform, or abolish the same, whenever they may deem it necessary; and no special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted, that may not be altered, revoked, or repealed by the General Assembly.
Section 6: Slavery and involuntary servitude. There shall be no slavery in this State; nor involuntary servitude, unless for the punishment of crime.
Section 11: Freedom of speech; of the press; of libels. Every citizen may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of the right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech, or of the press.
Section 20: Powers reserved to the people. This enumeration of rights shall not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people; and all powers, not herein delegated, remain with the people.
Section 21 (A): Preservation of the freedom to choose health care and health care coverage. No federal, state, or local law or rule shall compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer, or health care provider to participate in a health care system.
Also including, but not limited to, Article II - Legislative Powers, section 1 where it states:
Section 1: In whom power vested. The legislative power of the state shall be vested in a General Assembly consisting of a Senate and House of Representatives but the people reserve to themselves the power to propose to the General Assembly laws and amendments to the constitution, and to adopt or reject the same at the polls on a referendum vote as hereinafter provided.
and requires your written rebuttal to me, in kind, specific to each and every point of the subject matter stated herein, within 14 days, via your own sworn and notarized affidavit, using true fact, valid law and evidence to support your rebuttal of the specific subject matter stated in this Affidavit/Declaration. You are hereby noticed that your failure to respond, as stipulated, and rebut, with particularity and specificity, anything with which you disagree in this Affidavit/Declaration, is your lawful, legal and binding tacit agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this Affidavit/Declaration is true, correct, legal, lawful, and fully binding upon you in any court in America, without your protest or objection and that of those who represent you. U.S. v. Tweel, 550 F. 2d. 297. “Silence can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak or where an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading.”
∙ Any act committed by you, fill in name either supports and upholds the Constitutions, national and state, or opposes and violates them.
∙ You have taken an oath to support and uphold the national and state Constitutions and are constitutionally mandated to abide by that oath in the performance of your official duties.
∙ You have no constitutional authority, or any other form of valid, lawful authority, to oppose and violate the very documents to which you swore or affirmed your oath and under which you were delegated by the people the limited authority to conduct the duties of your office.
∙ The above three positions are true, factual, lawful and constitutionally ordained.
However, despite the above-stated factual, lawful positions, your unconstitutional actions, as described throughout this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth, clearly demonstrate how you have violated all of the above lawful positions, the Constitutions, your oath of office, acted against the public good by violating the public trust and committing sedition and insurrection. Pursuant to your unlawful and unconstitutional actions, you have invoked the self-executing Sections 3 & 4 of the 14th Amendment to the national Constitution, thereby have lawfully vacated your office and forfeited all benefits thereof, including salary and pension. Please note that, as stated above and below, the following paragraphs and others throughout this Affidavit/Declaration describe some of your unlawful, unconstitutional actions, which have harmed me and others. Your actions have upheld unconstitutional orders and policies which have harmed me, yet your actions have not upheld positions that would benefit me and the people of Ohio.
Notice to agent is notice to principal. Anyone acting outside of their duties and authority, whom has no oath of office is acting under their superior or entity, whom, does hold an oath of office which is so directing such agency, department or anyone in a public or private capacity. Otherwise, acting with such authority would be a violation of 18 USC 242, Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law. Anyone conspiring against our rights is in violation of the following, but not limited to, 18 USC 241 Conspiracy Against Rights and can be held accountable in their personal and private capacity.
I have a son who committed suicide on Nov 1st 2020 due to the isolation and lack of2020 access to his friends and sports. Our family is broken and the devastation I am experiencing is beyond comprehension. I believe the isolation drove him to take his life.
My daughter presents with anxiety as I get her ready for school and hand her the mask.
My son has developed a rash around his mouth and a cough that interrupts his breathing.
My 6th grader is now fearful when not wearing a mask and has limited her activities.
13. No state or federal Constitution may violate any of our rights no matter what law, rule, code, mandate, policy or ordinance is enacted. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution states "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution, OR LAWS OF ANY STATE to the contrary nothwithstanding." In addition, there are many cases including but not limited to, such as Marbury v. Madison 5 US 137 has been upheld in the courts for over 200 years and never overturned. It states: "All laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void". Another case never overturned, Miranda v. Arizona, 384 US 436, 491 states: "Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them."
14. Any official who willingly contributes to the act of creating, presenting, or enforcing statutes that appear as law that violate the Natural and fundamental rights of the people is guilty of waging war against the people and is in violation of their Constitutional oath. In addition, the name person/school board would be in violation of 16 Jurisprudence 177 Section 2, that explains any statute presenting as law that violates our fundamental rights is in fact a "no law" from the moment it is written: no one can enforce it, and no one has to abide by it.
19. A list of some, but not all, of your malfeasance includes violations of the following U.S. legal codes:
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 241 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 241. Conspiracy against rights
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 242 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 242. Deprivation of rights under color of Law
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 245 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 245. Federally protected activities
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 1031- U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1031. Major fraud against the United States
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 1038 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1038. False information and hoaxes
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 1341- U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1341. Frauds and swindles
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 1342 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1342. Fictitious name or address
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 1621 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure§ 1621. Perjury Generally.
∙ 18 U.S.C. § 1962 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1962. Prohibited activities
∙ 42 U.S.C. § 1962 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare § 1962.
∙ 42 U.S.C. § 1983 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 42.The Public Health and Welfare§ 1983. Civil action for deprivation of rights
∙ 42 U.S.C. § 1985 - Unannotated Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare§ 1985. Conspiracv to interfere with civil rights
∙ 42 U.S.C. § 1986 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare§ 1986. Action for Neglect to Prevent
42 U.S.C. § 3617 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare§ 3617. Interference, coercion, or intimidation
All public servants must have an Oath of Office which states they will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Ohio Constitution, no exceptions.
When you, pursuant to your oath, uphold unconstitutional orders, issued by an unconstitutional entity acting as add position of person, you perjure your oath, violate the Constitutions, violate my rights, violate due process of law and are personally responsible and liable for your actions, because, in part, you have stepped outside the lawful scope of your limited duties and authority, usurped authority not possessed, and act as a renegade. No one is required to obey an unconstitutional order, executive order, guideline or suggestion, as you have.
The American people, in the instant case, me, are guaranteed life, liberty and property, which cannot lawfully be taken from them without due process of law. You extended absolutely no due process of law, whatsoever, to me, yet, by your unconstitutional actions, described herein, you are harassing and harming me, imposing unconstitutional positions and, by demanding I put a mask on my child, you are trespassing on my property. Any action committed in violation of due process of law forfeits any perceived jurisdiction you think you have and all such actions committed are lawfully null and void, without binding force and effect upon me and my child in any way whatsoever.
Therefore, I, your name, request that the agency/person involved , COMPLETE SENTENCE BY WHAT YOU ARE ASKING THEM TO CHANGE OR STOP.
Such mandates are unconstitutional and a violation of my unalienable rights.
Lawful notification has been provided to you, name of person, stating that if you do not rebut in kind the statements, charges and averments made in this Affidavit/Declaration, then, you tacitly agree with and admit to them. Pursuant to that lawful notification, if you disagree with anything stated under oath in this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth, then rebut to me that with which you disagree, with particularity, within fourteen (14) days of receipt thereof, by means of your own written, notarized affidavit of truth, based on specific, true, relevant fact and valid law to support your disagreement, attesting to your rebuttal and supportive positions, as valid and lawful, under the pains and penalties of perjury under the laws of the United States of America and this state of Ohio. An un-rebutted affidavit stands as truth and fact before any court. Your failure to respond, as stipulated, is your tacit agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth is true, correct, legal, lawful, and is your irrevocable admission attesting to this, fully binding upon you in any court of law in America, without your protest, objection and that of those who represent you.
It is incumbent upon you to stop this tyranny immediately or bear the consequences of your unconstitutional actions.
Affiant further sayeth naught.
All Rights Reserved,
____________________________________ _____________________
Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Affiant/Declarant Date
Full address
In the State of Ohio
County of your county
I swear that on this___day of date, the above named Affiant/Declarant, _______________________, personally appeared before me, and of her own free will, signed and executed this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:______________
STEP 1 complete initial Affidavit following instructions and mail. It is typical that this first Affidavit will be ignored, then follow process outlined in following steps.
STEP 2 requires Affidavits be sent to all supervisors and oversight personnel of the original Affidavit recipient, with a copy of the original Affidavit attached. When none of these oversight people respond and rebut, by means of their own sworn Affidavits, then, we go to step 3.
Affidavits of Complaint written against all those to whom you have written Affidavits, which are unrebutted, are then filed with the: (1) County Sheriff; (2) County DA; (3) County Prosecutor, if any; (4) State Attorney General and (5) U.S. Attorney for Ohio.
When none of these so-called law enforcement entities take any action against those you have cited in your Complaint(s), then, all of them must be sent individual Affidavits which clearly state that, pursuant to their oaths, they have not taken any lawful actions against the criminal unconstitutional actions committed by public officers that were named in your Affidavit(s) of Complaint. Then, you cite their failure to act, pursuant to their oaths, against those who have harmed the people, as well as other appropriate language that can be added as needed to state that they had a sworn duty, pursuant to oaths taken, to act upon lawful notification provided to them by Citizens, yet they took no action whatsoever. Therefore, they condoned, aided and abetted these unconstitutional, criminal actions, perjured their oaths and invoked the self-executing Sections 3 & 4 of the 14th Amendment, vacated their offices and forfeited all benefits thereof, including salaries and pensions.
STEP 5 – (Don’t give up!)
When none of these public officers respond, in kind, and rebut by means of their own sworn Affidavits, then, the only choice left to the Citizens is to take the matter to civil court because, by the failures of all those notified in this matter, it is clear that there is no lawful constitutional government in this state by which the Citizens can obtain lawful remedy for the injuries they have sustained.
A deep dive into preparation for court is required! You will be entering their “home base”, and must be fully aware of how to hold the court accountable and maneuver through their language. OSJA can help point you in the right direction to prepare.
The Affidavit is not an indictment, per se, but an unrebutted Affidavit clearly indicates that those who failed to rebut admitted to all of the charges and claims set forth in the Affidavit. As you know, an unrebutted Affidavit stands as fact and truth before the court. The court convenes to hear matters in controversy and can only hear that which is presented to it. Since the opponent has presented nothing to the court, in terms of a rebuttal Affidavit to oppose your Affidavit, then, that entity has presented nothing for the court to consider which opposes your positions, claims and charges. Therefore, their position is vacant and void. Since they have admitted to all of the charges and claims stated in your Affidavit, fully binding upon them in any court, without their protest, objection and that of those who represent them, these admissions loom very large, and since there is no controversy, there is nothing for the court to hear and the victory belongs to the Affiant.
A closer look at how to fill them out, mail them and stand on your rights.
Instructions for Writing an Affidavit
DISCLAIMER: The Ohio State Jural Assembly and the Committees of Safety are not lawyers nor attorneys. This is not legal advice. We are the “One People” committed to helping those who wish to use their personal experiences to stop the violation of their unalienable rights based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Thank you for your stand for both yourself and others.
The affidavit process is a powerful way to fight for our rights. The mandates are violating the Constitution as well our unalienable rights. Through this affidavit process the recipients are given the opportunity to understand and accept that they cannot violate any of these rights. One of the goals of the Ohio State Jural Assembly is to explain the affidavit process, answer your questions, and support your journey.
Our mentors are Jack and Margy Flynn and can be found at
Writing the Affidavit
1. The first amendment guarantees our right to redress our grievances, we are not breaking any laws by doing so.
2. Affidavits are lawful and binding, it is necessary that the statements that you include in your affidavit are true and factual to your experiences. It is part of your evidence.
3. Become familiar with the language in the affidavit. When writing your statements, reference the Constitutional and unalienable rights that have been violated. You may discover some that we have not included, please feel free to add them to your affidavit. Remember that your affidavit is your personal experience and you must be comfortable with the statements. By signing it you are agreeing that you can testify to all the facts and not be charged with perjury.
4. The first and last paragraphs in the affidavit template must remain in your affidavit as written. We recommend that you keep the other pre-written paragraphs and only remove those that do not pertain to you. The pre-written paragraphs contain specific information.
5. The sections written in red are for you to insert your personal experience and evidence of the trespass against your unalienable rights. Please stick with the facts of your experience; no emotional statements. An Affidavit has facts, laws and truths only.
Preparing to Mail the Affidavit
1. When you have completed your affidavit, print it, take it to a notary as a witness to your signature. Wait to sign it until before the notary.
a. Always keep the original for yourself; mail a copy to the recipient. Or consider having the notary sign two originals.
b. Address and seal the envelope.
c. Place a strip of sealing tape over the flap on the back of the envelope to secure it. Put the tape on even if you have used the pull away strip or licked the flap.
2. Send the Affidavit certified mail with a return receipt request.
Possible additional steps
1. Please note that this Affidavit process includes 5 steps. (See additional document.) In the best case scenario, our elected officials will honor the affidavit and you won’t be required to complete all steps. Keep in mind you may need to go deeper into the process.
2. There is a possibility that you may have to add a step of filing an affidavit copy with the Clerk of Court in your County, be sure to keep your original. This step becomes necessary if you have to go to court.
Important links and addresses:
1. Affidavits Why and How to Write One link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQB4La4zIvs&t=8s
2. Address questions to Ohioassembly@protonmail.com
3. www.citizensoftheamericanconstitution.net
After the original recipients do not reply to your affidavit, you "go up the food chain", i.e., send an affidavit to their supervisory personnel.
Notice to agent is notice to principal,
notice to principal is notice to agent
IDENTIFY and NAME the Supervisory Personnel to whom you are sending this affidavit, include address. Note: although a large number of people may receive this, EACH person has to have one addressed to him/her. You list the individual here. (Later in the body of this Affidavit the entire group is listed.)
Example: TO: Chris Otto, Agent for CHRIS OTTO, acting as CHRIS OTTO, President and Agent for TALAWANDA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION, c/o 131 W. Chestnut Street, Oxford, Ohio 45056;
Then list the ORIGINAL recipients of the first affidavit:
Example: Dave Meranda, agent for DAVE MERANDA, Acting as BOARD MEMBER for MILFORD BOARD OF EDUCATION
has received an Affidavit stating the enclosed facts of his/her unconstitutional acts. His/Her un-rebutted affidavit stands as truth and fact before any court. His/Her failure to respond, as stipulated, is his/her tacit agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth is true, correct, legal, lawful, and is his/her irrevocable admission attesting to this, fully binding upon him/her in any court of law in America, without his/her protest, objection and that of those who represent him/her.
The public officers, Name ORIGINAL affidavit recipients by name, use the description of them, serving under your authority and watch, committed unconstitutional actions against me which have harmed me. S/he has no constitutional authority whatsoever to inflict any form of harm upon me, and any action s/he commits either supports and upholds the Constitution(s) or opposes and violates them. His/her actions against me were totally unconstitutional, therefore, committed without lawful authority, thus, s/he exceeded the lawful scope of his/her limited delegated duties and authority, thereby lawfully vacated his/her office, pursuant to Sections 3 & 4 of the 14th Amendment to the national Constitution. Your duty, pursuant to your oath, is to remove this man/woman from office and hold him/her accountable for his/her actions. If you fail to do this, pursuant to your oath, then, you condone, aid and abet these unconstitutional actions, war against the Constitution(s), and you will be held personally responsible, because you will have stepped outside the lawful scope of your limited duties and authority.
I, your name, the undersigned, make this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth of my own free will, and I hereby affirm, declare and swear, under oath and under the pains and penalties of perjury under the laws of the United States of America and of this state, that I am of legal age and of sound mind and hereby attest that the statements, averments and information contained in this Affidavit/Declaration are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
This Affidavit/Declaration of Truth is lawful notification to you, and is hereby made and sent to you pursuant to the national Constitution, specifically, the Bill of Rights, in particular, Amendments I, IV, V, VI, VII, IX and X, and The Bill of Rights of the your state constitution – this is OHIO, in particular;
Article I- Bill of Rights, section 1, 2, 11, 20 and 21(A) where it states:
Section 2 -Right to alter, reform, or abolish government, and repeal special privileges. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the right to alter, reform, or abolish the same, whenever they may deem it necessary; and no special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted, that may not be altered, revoked, or repealed by the General Assembly.
Section 6: Slavery and involuntary servitude. There shall be no slavery in this State; nor involuntary servitude, unless for the punishment of crime.
Section 11: Freedom of speech; of the press; of libels. Every citizen may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of the right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech, or of the press.
Section 20: Powers reserved to the people. This enumeration of rights shall not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people; and all powers, not herein delegated, remain with the people.
Section 21 (A): Preservation of the freedom to choose health care and health care coverage. No federal, state, or local law or rule shall compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer, or health care provider to participate in a health care system.
Article II- Legislative Powers, section 1
Lawful notification has been provided to you, LIST ALL RECIPEINTS OF THIS AFFIDAVIT HERE AGAIN
Example: Chris Otto, Agent for CHRIS OTTO, acting as CHRIS OTTO, President and Agent for TALAWANDA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION c/o 131 W. Chestnut Street, Oxford, Ohio 45056;
stating that if you do not rebut the statements, charges and averments made in this Affidavit/Declaration, then, you tacitly agree with and admit to them. Pursuant to that lawful notification, if you disagree with anything stated under oath in this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth, then rebut to me that with which you disagree, with particularity, within fourteen (14) days of receipt thereof, by means of your own written, notarized affidavit of truth, based on specific, true, relevant fact and valid law to support your disagreement, attesting to your rebuttal and supportive positions, as valid and lawful, under the pains and penalties of perjury under the laws of the United States of America and this state of Ohio. An un-rebutted affidavit stands as truth and fact before any court. Your failure to respond, as stipulated, is your tacit agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth is true, correct, legal, lawful, and is your irrevocable admission attesting to this, fully binding upon you in any court of law in America, without your protest, objection and that of those who represent you.
Affiant further sayeth naught.
All Rights Reserved,
____________________________________ _____________________
Your name, Affiant/Declarant Date
In the State of Ohio
County of your county
I swear that on this___day of date, the above named Affiant/Declarant, _______________________, personally appeared before me, and of her own free will, signed and executed this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth
Now that Supervisors have not responded, you send this Affidavit to Sheriff, Prosecutor, and Attorney General.
Affidavit of Formal Complaint
To: ___________________________________ , (Law enforcement officer)
Title and full address
I,_________________________________, the undersigned, hereinafter, Affiant, domiciled at __________________________________________________, hereby make this Affidavit of Complaint of my own free will, and I hereby affirm, declare and swear, under my oath, that I am of legal age and of sound mind and hereby attest that the information contained in this Affidavit of Complaint is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I file this Affidavit of Complaint with _________________________________, in his capacity as a law enforcement officer, against the unconstitutional actions committed by __________________________________.
Basis of Law and Facts in this Affidavit of Complaint:
1. The Constitution for the United States of America is the Supreme Law of the land and supersedes all other lesser law, statutes, codes, regulations and the State Constitution.
2. What is written in the referenced national Constitution is valid, authorized and enforceable. What is not written in the national Constitution is prohibited by that Constitution.
3. Article I, Section 1 of the national Constitution vests all legislative power in Congress. The Constitution does not authorize legislative power in any form to the Executive and Judicial Branches.
4. When the State Legislature creates law for the people, that law must be constitutionally compliant specific to the Bill of Rights or it is not valid law binding upon the people.
5. A law must be valid to exist and must exist to be lawfully enforced.
6. All elected and appointed public officials who serve the people, including you, _________________________, are required to take an Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution before assuming office.
7. Any act passed by any legislature and any action committed by any public officer either supports and upholds the Constitutions, national and state, or opposes and violates them. No public officer has the constitutional authority—or any other form of valid, lawful authority—to oppose and violate the very documents to which s/he swore or affirmed his or her oath.
8. Any unconstitutional actions committed by any public officers, including you, __________________________, invoke the self-executing Sections 3 & 4 of the 14th Amendment, by which the errant public officers immediately vacate their offices, upon commission of their crimes, can no longer hold public office and forfeit all benefits thereof, including salary and pension.
9. Executive orders are not authorized in the national Constitution, therefore are prohibited by the national Constitution.
The Affiant has previously sent an Affidavit/Declaration of Truth to _____________________________, who by his actions, perjured his oath, violated and opposed the Constitution(s), the inherent rights and due process of law guaranteed to the people therein, and by those actions caused harm to the people, in the instant case, me. In the Affidavit, _______________________ was provided a lawful warning to rebut in kind the charges and claims made in the Affidavit, supported by truth, fact, valid law and evidence. ____________________ failed to rebut Affiant’s Affidavit, in kind, by means of his own sworn, notarized Affidavit, supported by truth, fact, valid law and evidence, within the specified time limit, therefore, _________________________ tacitly admitted to and agreed with all of the charges, claims, averments and information contained in the referenced Affidavit. See: Connally v. General Construction Co., 269 U.S. 385, 391. Notification of legal responsibility is “the first essential of due process of law.” See: U.S. v. Tweel, 550 F. 2d. 297. “Silence can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak or where an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading.”
This Affidavit of Complaint calls for the immediate removal and arrest of ________________________ whose unconstitutional actions and violations of secured rights and due process of law are fully described and enumerated in the attached Affidavit/Declaration of Truth sent to __________________________ on date, which Affidavit/Declaration is incorporated herein and made part hereof. Pursuant to your oath and the constitutional mandates imposed upon you thereby, you must act lawfully to remove from office and arrest _________________________, since you cannot lawfully uphold, support, excuse, and condone the unconstitutional actions ___________________________ has committed, and to which actions he has admitted.
Further, Affiant sent Affidavits to the oversight and supervisory personnel of _____________________ in which Affiant clearly stated that __________________________ committed unconstitutional actions that violated and denied guaranteed rights and due process of law, which actions harmed the people, in the instant case, me. As stated in the Affidavits sent to these oversight and supervisory personnel, they were notified that they are required, pursuant to their oaths, to stop and correct the unconstitutional actions committed by _______________________, under their watch, and remove ________________________ from office. The Affidavits further stated that if they failed to so act, then, they support, abet and condone ____________________________’s actions committed under their supervision. Therefore, by their unconstitutional support of __________________________ and his unconstitutional actions, the supervisory and oversight personnel have invoked the self-executing Sections 3 & 4 of the 14th Amendment, thus, have lawfully vacated their offices and forfeited any benefits thereof, including salaries and pensions. This Affidavit of Complaint calls for the removal from office of _________________________ and the supervisory and oversight personnel who were so notified by Affiant. The supervisory and oversight personnel failed to rebut Affiant’s Affidavits sent to them, therefore, tacitly admitted to and agreed with all of the charges, claims, averments and information contained therein. A copy of the Affidavits sent to the supervisory and oversight personnel are attached to this Affidavit of Complaint and made part hereof.
You, _____________________________, pursuant to your oath, must abide by that oath in the performance of your official duties and must lawfully act upon this Affidavit of Complaint filed by an American injured and damaged by the unconstitutional actions of the recipients of the Affidavits specified herein. If you fail your constitutional duty and your oath, then, YOU will also step outside the lawful scope of your limited, delegated duties and authority and will have invoked the referenced self-executing Sections 3 & 4 of the 14th Amendment, specified above.
Affiant further sayeth naught.
All Rights Reserved,
Full Printed Name, Affiant
Notary Statement
In the State of ________________
County of _________________
I swear that on this ____ day of __________________, the above named Affiant/Declarant, _____________________, appeared before me, and, of his own free will, signed this Affidavit of Complaint.
Notary Public Seal:
My Commission Expires:______________ Date:
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We don't have to ask for exemptions. It is our right to make decisions about our health and body. We do not consent.
Non -consent
I do Not give up my rights
Name:_______________________________________ DATE: ______________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/zip: _____________________________________________ Phone/email__________________
Complete this form to inform employers and/or other groups that you are not consenting to give up your rights.
Reason for non-consent:
The list below is an incomplete list of the rights your mask mandate, vaccine mandate, and any mandate violate. Additionally, the mask, vaccine, and other mandate violates the 4th Amendment. I do not consent to violate my unalienable rights. Additionally, any action taken against me as a result of my non-consent is also a violation of my rights and is a discriminatory act. And will be addressed accordingly. Actions taken against me may include but is not limited to:
∙ Isolating from regular population or participation in any activity
∙ Quarantining based on another person’s exposure or possible exposure
∙ Separation from others
∙ Job loss
∙ Being placed on job leave
∙ Regular covid-19 testing
Some, but not all Codes Violated:
∙ Title 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I-III) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) states: “III) of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product”
∙ 42 U.S.C. 1985 – Unannotated Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare 1985 Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights
● 18 U.S.C. § 241 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 241. Conspiracy against rights
● 18 U.S.C. § 242 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 242. Deprivation of rights under color of Law
● 42 U.S.C. § 3617 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare§ 3617. Interference, coercion, or intimidation
∙ Additional Violations:
There can be no policy or procedure, rule, law or mandate, among others, that violate any unalienable rights, the Constitutions or Bill of Rights. 42 USC 1983 - Civil Action for Deprivation of Rights: "Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action of law."
Steele v. Hamilton Cty. Cnty. Mental Health Bd,, 90 Ohio St.3d 176, 736 N.E.2d 10 (Ohio 2000) admitted that "[t]he right to refuse medical treatment" is "inherent in every individual," and that Article I, Section 1 of the Ohio Constitution ensures that every Ohioan has the right to "personal security, bodily integrity, and autonomy".
Name: (please print) ______________________________________________ Date: ________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________
Additional Information
∙ CDC Director, Walensky, admits the covid-19 vaccine doesn’t stop covid infections. CDC FOIA documents reveal the CDC has never isolate covid-19.
∙ The VAERS system (Vaccine Adverse Reporting System) which is co-managed by the CDC and FDA reports on July 2021 a tally of issues resulting from the vaccine: 463,456 adverse events; 30,781 hospitalizations; 9,274 disabled; 3,906 heart attacks; 2,466 myocarditis reactions; 1,073 miscarriages, 10,991 deaths. Given these figures, which, according to many medical experts, are vastly underreported, therefore must be multiplied anywhere from 10 to 100 to reach the actual figures, which clearly demonstrates that the untested, unproven experimental jab is detrimental and harmful to those who accept the jab. You, as an employer mandating the shot, are liable for any harm incurred by employees
∙ “The spike protein used in the covid-19 vaccines does not just stay in the deltoid. It circulates throughout the blood and lands on various organs in the body. In animal studies, it was discovered that when the spike protein is in injected without the body of the virus present it induces the same lung disease, the same vascular disease, the same heart disease, the same brain disease. The spike is the toxin.” ~ Dr. Ryan Cole
∙ Extended mask wearing is known to cause fatalities and near fatalities. M.Klompas, C.Morris et al ‘Universal Masking in hospitals in the covid-19 era’ –New England Journal of Medicine 2020.
∙ Masking has also been known for many years to be harmful to human health. The risk of such harm has been serious enough that agents of government corporations administering the Occupational Safety Health Act [OSHA] regularly enforce such regulations as those set out at 29 CFR Sec.1910.134 to limit workplace masking for health reasons. Such regulations have required the people be medically checked beforehand to determine whether they could even tolerate the mask at all. OSHA requires that the mask wearer has access at all times to air that is 19.5% Oxygen and that the mask be changed every 20-30 minutes. Masks usually become contaminated within that time period with mildew and other substances harmful to living beings.
∙ The Children’s Health Defense legal team has written three legal notifications regarding the COVID vaccine, testing and masks. Each notification clearly states that these COVID products are for Emergency Use Authorization only and that these items are by definition experimental and thus require the right to refuse. Under the Nuremberg Code, the foundation of ethical medicine, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is “absolutely essential.”
Documents you may want!
Constitutional Affidavit
I, ________________, hereby publicly execute this Constitutional Affidavit of my own free will, without reservation, coercion or duress. If I am elected as a representative of the one People, I firmly believe, that I must, and hereby demonstrate by this Affidavit, that I will, abide by my oath of office in the performance of my official duties; thus, uphold both the state and national Constitutions, all laws made pursuant thereto, act only within the lawful scope of my Constitutionally delegated authority, and faithfully uphold the unalienable, God-given rights of the one People in Ohio and uphold their public trust. Those who serve in governments in this nation have gone astray and have forsaken the basic principles upon which America was founded. If elected, I will reestablish America’s original principles, as set forth in our founding documents, The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States of America, circa 1787, as amended with the Bill of Rights in 1791 and do my part to restore our Republic. To that end, I hereby attest that I will reaffirm the referenced Constitution, as the Supreme Law of the Land, pursuant to Article VI of that document, and the Ohio Constitution as the governing Law of Ohio, and I will uphold all averments and affirmations made herein.
I hereby swear or affirm that, pursuant to my oath of office and to this Constitutional Affidavit, I will never introduce, draft, support or vote for any form of legislation that opposes or contradicts the national and state Constitutions, unalienable rights of the one People of Ohio in any way, whatsoever, or opposes the Bill of Rights secured therein to the one People. Any legislation, which I support, must fully comply with the Constitutions, specific to their unalienable and Bill of Rights. I, _____________________, hereby make these statements in this publicly executed Constitutional Affidavit to the one People of Ohio, to demonstrate that if I am elected, I will serve only with the consent of the governed, uphold the Constitutions, the Rights of the People guaranteed therein, and faithfully serve the best interests of the one People of Ohio. If I violate my oath of office or this Constitutional Affidavit, in any way, and/or if it can be proven that I have done so, I shall immediately resign from office, and/or allow the one People of Ohio to remove me from office, without my protest or objection.
Signed:___________________________________ Printed Name, _______________________
Affiant Notary Statement State of Ohio, County of __________
On____________________, 2021, the above named personally appeared before me and signed this document of his/her own free will. ______________________________
Name of Notary Public __________________________
My Commission Expires: _________________ Seal:
Knowledge is Power
We have been poorly educated and thus abdicated our authority and power. It is worth investing some time to really grasp the power you have under the Constitution.
Education Suggestions
U.S. Constitution
Know your Constitution - Carl Miller - #2
Know your Constitution - Carl Miller - #3
U.S. Constitution
Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution
Constitution 201: The Progressive Rejection of the Founding and the Rise of Bureaucratic Despotism
Hope for America
Red Beckman (12parts)
Red Beckman is an optimist who is convinced that our country can survive this corrupt government. All that is needed is for we, the people, to enforce the laws written to control government.
Common Law
American History, Facts and Definitions
Short introduction to REAL American History
Not a Government but a Corporation - Act of 1871
Articles of Incorporation of the United States
De Facto Government - a corporation acting as a government.
De Jure - one people acting under the constitution.