charmaine-rose: bassett
i had a case on the docket before the state of ohio, county of lucas, court of common pleas demanding IRS payment of almost 1 million dollars, i first tried to do the russell gould method to no avail, then i tried a process that dave and i have used previously ... to no avail, now i am down to the wire and am expected to be in court the next morning at 10 am, so i decided to hunker down and begin writing out the new process/affidavit, i was very unfamiliar with this process, as i never used it before and thus had major apprehension in using it, always remember it is not about writing said doc it is being able to stand on the doc in an open court, so, having run out of options i began writing out process and completed the doc at around 8 pm,
i only send docs out registered mail, as this is the true peoples court and docket, yet, due to the time of day this was not an option, so being left with only one viable option, i sent doc via email to the acting judge, state attorney and secretary of state,
i set my alarm to wake up early so i could review doc and attempt to dial in the new language, i open up my computer and low and behold i have a return email from said judge, attorney general and secretary of state signing off and dismissing the case,
dave nor i have ever experienced such an exciting response as this .... DISMISSED, wow i finally have a true verifiable WIN
thanks dave for your never wavering, always available generous spirit, who is on the front lines educating and fighting for our lawful rights under GOD, you are my twin brother from a different mother and we are getting our country back one notice/affidavit at a time, it is sooooo nice to see everyone wake up and get on board, it has been a long haul, yet, our day has come.