Our Story
OSJA has written and adopted a Bilateral Social Compact outlining the Assembly's position. Reading it will help you grasp our direction.
The OSJA was settled in 2020, and has lawfully developed a plan of action to hold public servants accountable to their Oaths of Office. Public servants who violate their Oaths of Office to uphold the Constitution of the United States as well as the Ohio Constitution may be served affidavits and given opportunities to remedy their violations.
People are no longer willing to have their unalienable rights violated.
Becoming aware that it is unlawful to violate our unalienable rights we can lawfully take action by forming The Ohio State Jural Assembly and County "Committees of Safety".
We are practicing our 1st Amendment right to assemble and to give of our grievances. Holding them accountable to their oaths of office.
Your county may already have a "Committee of Safety", if not, contact us to find out how to start one.
Please note that as in most things in life, there may be risks in taking action, however there may also be risks in non-action.
The need for Assembly
and County
"Committees of Safety":
Become a Member of the Assembly
To become a member of OSJA, you need to:
Be 16 years of age or older
Complete your membership paperwork. These documents were designed with protection in mind to prove we are both acting lawfully by our unalienable rights and the organic Laws of the Republic not overthrowing a government.
The membership documents to be signed include:
A Declaration of Unalienable rights – innate rights we have as mankind. These rights cannot be taken away by any entity, corporations, person,
Declaration of Independence Cir. 2020 based on the organic Declaration of Independence. This document recognizes that you are claiming your independence from corrupt government and claiming your independence and rights. Not removing your citizenship.
Jural Covenant of Office: The Assembly may at some point form a Common Law Grand Jury. This document states that if you choose to accept and carry out the duties as a member of the grand jury you will do so with honor and integrity. Serving on a Common Law Grand Jury is voluntary, you may decline.
Consider becoming a part of a subcommittee
Someone from your county should attend the weekly online State assembly meeting. When your completed paperwork is received you will be given instructions on how to login to the meeting.
Become a part of your county’s "Committee of Safety", if your county has one
Provide contact information.
Know that officers are voted in.

BIO of Dave Roberts
As I started down my path as a patriot, being a free and independent man on the land, I knew I wanted to be free of tyranny and did not want suppression of my unalienable rights (You know them as your Civil Rights). I focused and researched so I could learn how our corrupt courts work, and why and how everything that they do (Government) is to steal our wealth.
My journey started with the IRS putting a “21 Day Notice of Lien” on all of my Bank Accounts in 1992 for taxes in 1989. I sued them in Federal Court for theft. In the six-month process of going thru the proceedings of the court, I discovered that we were never required to pay any taxes. It is “Voluntary Compliance”, which is an oxymoron of words. The Government has a full repertory of oxymorons. They do this to confuse the people of the truth. I discovered how to give notice to the Government and remove myself from the requirements of being a “Taxpayer”. From this experience of events, I have gone on to learn many different types of law (Civil, Roman Civil, Common, Constitutional, Trust and Equity laws). In 2016, I got involved in forming assemblies in this state of Ohio. I took my Oath of Office as a U.S. Continental Marshal, by Chief Justice Robert Gilland of the Michigan Grand Jural Assembly.
I have been diligently working to establish county (Committees of Safety) cross the great state of Ohio. I assist in their organization, their settling, and announcement to the Defacto Governments. Their communication with the Ohio State Jural Assembly and coordinate the needs of the county (assembly/Committee of Safety) with that of the State Assemble. I also provide enforcement of any County/State Assembly that would not be operating as a lawful assembly.
Dave Roberts Videos About Assemblies
charmaine-rose: bassett
arthur sylva lavallee IV